Heading back to the office guide.

Restrictions slowly starting to lift, means more people will be returning back to work and heading out. We have put forward a helpful guide for those that begin to venture out from their homes.

The journey back to work is going to be different this time, and at least for a decent period of time as we learn to live with our current environment.

Inspire9 is doing its bit to help have a safe work-life balance, time for you to roll up your sleeves and do your part to help slow the spread. We are all in this together!

  1. Good respiratory hygiene helps prevent the spread. Here are some helpful tips;

  2. PPE (personal protective equipment) gear such as facemasks and single-use gloves on your journey or in the workspace.

    Travel Hand sanitizer and anti-bacterial wipes

    Thorough hand-washing. Why? because washing kills the virus on your hands, avoiding the spread.

    Try your best to keep a 1.5-meter distance between you and others.

  3. Temperature check before you leave the house. If you feel even a mild cough or low-grade fever 37.3 C or more, you should stay at home. If you have taken paracetamol/acetaminophen, ibuprofen or aspirin, which may mask the symptoms of infection you must continue to stay at home.

    You can buy temperature checks from Chemist warehouse or Seton. Inspire9 will have our own temperature check in house.

    Communicate the message for people to stay at home even if they have mild symptoms.

  4. Retain names of the people and locations you have been in contact with. This will help the authorities trace people who may have been exposed.

  5. Wiping down policy; General workplace etiquette.

    Wiping down any workstation (desk, meeting room or even kitchen bench) once you have finished.

  6. Staggered work hours.

Remember: Now is the time to prepare and take simple precautions as we plan to venture out more, it will make a big difference in helping slow the spread.

Inspire9 is committed to helping create a safe work-life balance. The current environment can be extremely daunting, and we want to help everyone feel safe on their journeys away from home. If we can be of help, please feel free to reach out hello@inspire9.com.

Disclaimer: All information is intended to help your journey as restrictions ease, only a guideline put together from sources we have searched over the internet. You may wish to do your own research as your workplace or journey to work could face different challenges.


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